Designing a Stress-Free Home: When to DIY and When to Call in the Pros {Part 2}

There are so many projects you can tackle without the help of a professional or having technical knowledge. Utilizing the internet + expert advice from home improvement or paint stores; DIY home renovations can be rewarding and cost-effective, especially for those with some handy skills and a willingness to learn. Here are some examples of good home renovations that homeowners can tackle on their own:


One of the most straightforward and impactful DIY projects. Refreshing walls with a new coat of paint can instantly transform the look and feel of a room.

Installing a Backsplash:

Adding a backsplash in the kitchen or bathroom is a manageable project that can elevate the aesthetic appeal of the space.

Upgrading Cabinet Hardware:

Swapping out old cabinet handles and knobs for new, stylish options is a quick and easy way to update the look of kitchen or bathroom cabinets.

Creating Accent Walls:

Choose a wall in a room to highlight with a different color, wallpaper, or textured panels. This DIY project can add visual interest without a major time or financial investment.

Refinishing Furniture:

Give old or worn-out furniture a new lease on life by refinishing or repainting. This is a budget-friendly way to upgrade your decor.

Installing Laminate Flooring:

Many types of laminate flooring are designed for easy installation, making it a suitable DIY project for those looking to update their floors without professional help.

Adding Crown Molding:

Crown molding can add a touch of sophistication to a room. There are DIY-friendly molding kits available that make installation more manageable.

Updating Light Fixtures:

Swapping out outdated light fixtures for new, stylish ones can have a significant impact on the overall aesthetic of a room.

Creating a DIY Bookshelf:

Building a simple bookshelf or shelving unit is a great way to add storage and display space. There are many online tutorials and plans available.

Installing a Ceiling Fan:

While electrical work requires caution, installing a ceiling fan can be a manageable DIY project that enhances both aesthetics and comfort in a room.

Building a Window Seat:

If you have a bay window or a space with potential, building a window seat with storage can be a charming and functional addition.

Landscaping and Garden Projects:

Enhance your curb appeal with DIY landscaping projects such as planting flowers, creating a small garden, or installing a pathway.

Adding Wainscoting:

Wainscoting adds a touch of elegance to walls. Many kits are available for DIY installation, making it accessible for homeowners.

Creating a DIY Headboard:

Craft a personalized headboard for your bed using reclaimed wood, fabric, or other creative materials.

Installing a Smart Home Thermostat:

Upgrade your home's energy efficiency by installing a smart thermostat, which can often be done with minimal technical expertise.

Before starting any DIY project, it's important to thoroughly research and plan. Additionally, consider your own skill level, the tools required, and whether the project aligns with your abilities and comfort level. If in doubt, consult online tutorials, seek advice from experts, or hire a professional for more complex tasks.

I can’t wait to see what you create!



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Designing a Stress-Free Home: When to DIY and When to Call in the Pros {Part 1}